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Key Takeaways from 2023


1. Time Priorities

“I don’t have time is just another way of saying, it’s not my priority.“ (“I Don’t Have Time“)

This year, I spent more time on researching and writing thing I’m interested in and less time on social events.

I Don’t Have Time(Cheng-Wei Hu)
讀書筆記 | Make Time

2. Mindful Productivity

Don’t pursue full schedule and finish tasks by deadlines. I tried to spend more time reflecting, sleeping well, exercising regularly and eating healthy food. These habits helped me make decisions.

From productivity porn to mindful productivity(Nesslabs)
How to Win(Daniel Gross)

3. Consistency, Compound and Leverage

I aim to follow my own curiosity and keep doing. The growth would be exponentional and leveraged. This year I spent a lot of time studying statistics, reading human-computer interaction and the development of tech. I’m doing something I enjoy.

How To Do Great Work(Paul Graham)

4. Learn in Public

I shared my thoughts, asked questions and encourage other writers. This kind of interaction made me think more clearly and attract people who have the same interests with me.

Document.Don’t Create
Learn in Public(sywx)

5. Be Simple

“It is very simple to be happy, but it is very difficult to be simple.”―Rabindranath Tagore I tried to understand what is the most important to me and don’t compare my life with others.

6. Be grateful to now, Be ambitious to future

I don’t take anything for granted and treasure all opportunities. Looking towards the future, I don’t accept all systems and tools without thinking and imagine all possibilities.

Inventing on Principle(Bret Victor)
Idea Generation(Sam Altman)