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Build a personal website using Hugo and Netlify


  • This article is a guide on how to build a personal site using Hugo and Netlify. It’s for readers who want to create their own websites from scratch but don’t understand how websites work.

What is Hugo and Netlify?

  • Hugo: A tool to build static websites. It converts contents, such as articles and images, into a complete website.

  • Netlify: It allows you to easily deploy your websites to the internet.

Why I choose Hugo and Netlify?

  1. Affordability: Hugo and Netlify(the base plan) are free for users. To build a website, I only need to spend money on buying a domain. Compared to other website-building platforms such wordpress and squarespace, this way is much cheaper.

  2. Themes: Hugo provides a variety of themes. If you can find a suitable theme, it’s not difficult to build a website.

  3. Customization: With Hugo, you have the flexibility to customize aspects such as adjust layout, content display and almost every aspect of your site. It’s more flexible than other website-building platforms.

  4. Popularity: Hugo and Netlify are both popular tools for generating static websites. This is beneficial for beginners, because there’re a lot of tutorials and discussions to help you building a site.


  1. Install Hugo

    • Follow the installation tutorial

    • To verify the installation, open the terminal and enter “hugo version”. If Hugo is successfully installed, you will see the version number displayed.

  2. Download Hugo Theme

    • Check your requirements: Like me, I chose the theme because of its clear layout, multilingual mode, dark mode and google analytics support.

    • Test on the local environment: After duplicating the template, open the template folder in VS Code. Then, enter “hugo server“ in the terminal to preview your website by navigating http://localhost:XXXX/.

  3. Adjust Hugo Theme

    • The difficulty depends on the extent you want to adjust. This is the most time-consuming part through building a website. I recommend to browse the template folders and files first. You can also follow the tutorials on the Hugo official website, their videos are short and easy to understand.

    • Hugo Structure:

      • Every Theme has the similar structure. You can browse Hugo Directory structure to check.

      • The use of common folders and files

        1. hugo.toml: contains website title, description and language

        2. assets: contains global resources such as CSS(website style), JavaScript(website interaction)

        3. content: contains the content such as articles of your site

        4. i18n: contains translation tables for multilingual sites

        5. layouts: contains templates to transform content, data, and resources into a complete website

    • Adjust layouts and upload contents: The following are the main parts I adjusted

      • Set title, language, menu and google analytics id in hugo.toml

      • Set font and color in assets/css file

      • Transformed my articles into markdown files and uploaded them to contents folder

      • Set translation tables in 18n folder

  4. Upload to GitHub

    • Upload website folder to the repositories in GitHub
  5. Deploy with Netlify

    • Connect GitHub to Netlify: Sign in Netlify → Add a new site → deploy with GitHub. After finishing the steps, you can deploy your website using Netlify.
  6. Custom Domain

    • Netlify: Follow the path Netlify > Domain Management > Add a custom domain. After setting your custom domain, you can see the Name servers in DNS setting.

    • Domain registrar: Add Netlify DNS in your domain registrar. For example, with Namecheap, you can add custom DNS by navigating to Domain Lists > Domain > Nameservers > custom domain