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My Favorite Books


  • Speculative Everything: Design, Fiction and Social Dreaming — Anthony Dunne, Fiona Raby
    Speculative design tried to impact contemporary world by imaging future world. This area of design is very interesting to me.
  • The Design of Everyday Things — Donald A. Norman
  • Designing With Data — Rochelle King, Elizabeth F Churchill, Caitlin Tan

Love and Communication

  • Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life — Marshall B.Rosenberg
    The book taught me how to understand my emotions, share my feelings and take responsibility for my emotions
  • The Art of Loving — Erich Fromm
    “Love is an activity, not a passive emotion.” “For many people, what matters in love is being loved, rather than how to love.”


  • Palaces for the People — Eric Klinenberg: The book describes the interaction of public space and people. It reveals how environments influnce people.
  • Dancing Bears Tańczące niedźwiedzie — Witold Szablowski Beautiful words and Thought-provoking stories
  • How to Feed a Dictator Jak Nakarmić Dyktatora — Witold Szablowski


  • The Gender Knot: Unraveling our Patriarchal Legacy — Allan G. Johnson
    “The patriarchy is a social system constituted by specific social relations and ideologies. As individuals, our participation in it not only means that our lives are shaped and influenced by it, but also provides us with the opportunity to change or sustain it.”


  • Exhalation — Ted Chiang
  • 強風吹拂 — 三浦紫苑
  • 地底三萬呎 — 朱少麟
    Magical words
  • 性意思史 — 張亦絢
  • Harry Potter — J. K. Rowling


  • 台北女生 — 許菁芳
  • 我和貍奴不出門 — 黃麗群

Productive System

  • Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience — Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
    The book taught me understand the thinking and learning system
  • Make Time:How to focus on what matters every day — Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky
  • How to Take Smart Notes