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2023 Knowledge Workflow

Refer to My Vision: The Knowledge Lifecycle knowlkedge lifecycle and write how I explore and thinking in 2023.



I switched my browser from Sidekick to Arc. I like its sidebar but other design is a little fancy to me.

Immersive Translation

It’s a very convenient plugin tool to translate on web. I always use it in two conditions. One is to summary long English articles. The other is to check my understanding. This tool can translate by paragraphs so it can help me a lot


Readwise/Readwise Reader(Read-it-later & Highlight Tool)

“Sense of security” is why Readwise is valuable to me. I can save all the content in readwise. Although I don’t want to read them immediately. I know they are saved in readwise and can find them if I need to. Moreover, Readwise’s newsletter Wisereads reveal the content most people save and highlight. Understanding what other people read is interesting.


Before using Snipd, I most listened chit-chat style podcasts. Because of Snipd’s summary, transcripts and search function, I started to listen more English tech podcasts. These features help me to understand and take notes better.

Thinking and Creating:

Heptabase After using over two years, I still love this tool

  1. Quickly Note: I don’t need to think about where I need to put my notes and just write my notes on a card. It truly free my thoughts. After the release of Heptabase App, I can take notes almost everytime I have a new idea. Unconsciously, I already accumulated 3,600 cards on heptabase
  2. Connection of thoughts: Even though my whiteboards are messy, I still can build a new space and connect my thoughts easily. Tidying a new whiteboard is like tidying my new brain. I imported information I read or highlight and deleted some unimportant information to gain insights.

Heptabase Recommened Reading:


  • Twitter: After sharing my daily digest, I realized writing is the exercise of thinking. Writing clearlt is much more difficult than thinkin in my brain. I need to consider the reader’s understanding, structure and words. I still practiced and tried to do better.

My final conclusion on using these tools:

  1. Usibility is more important than complexity: Before using any tools, I always asked myself why I need them. I don’t use tools just because a lot of people used them. Smoothly navigating through my knowledge lifecycle is my first priority.
  2. Invisible Value: Many people around me don’t pay for the above-mentioned tools because they think these tools are invisible and invaluable. However, I think collecting ang creating thoughts is very valuable and leveragㄎ.
  3. Tools shape people: From Photoshop, Figma to DALL·E 3, design changes dramatically. Before I use heptabase, it’s very hard for me to take notes. Because designing the notes structure was troublesome. I believe the tools can influence people and change how we think significantly. Future knowledge tools can help people think and communicate more deeply.